No Password?!

DocXplains is currently available in these areas:

South Lorem, East Ipsum, Doloshire, Greater Consectetur, Adipiscing, Venenatis, Neque and Molentie, St Dapibus, North Quisque, Blandit Mattis, Turpis Distruct, Lacinia, Tempor, St Augue, Maximus, Congue, Porttitorshire, Nullam Sagittis, Varius.

If your practice is in one of these areas, you can pop in to your practice or give them a call, and they can give you the password.

Then you’ll be good to go!
You can click the links to double check that your practice is in one of these areas.
Image of DocX character gesturing towards list of locations

If DocXplains isn't in your area, then let's try to fix that!

Hopefully we’ll be coming to you soon, it’s our mission to reach as many people as possible, we believe our fun informative videos can make a real difference in how we all live with our health.

You can help us get to your area by expressing your interest in DocXplains in the box to the right. We’re not collecting any personal information about you, just some info so we know who to approach, and maybe some of your thoughts. This would be really useful when we chat to the people that organise healthcare in your area.

You can help us get to your area by expressing your interest in DocXplains in the box below.
We’re not collecting any personal information about you, just some info so we know who to approach, and maybe some of your thoughts. This would be really useful when we chat to the people that organise healthcare in your area.

Image of DocX character climbing the side of form
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Thank you!

We will get right on it!
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